Archives for January 2018 | Visit our blog page for articles on Simulation and Staffing

How We Can Help Your Client

How we help you help your client!

Most of us have someone to answer to. For a recruitment company that can be fairly obvious. It’s typically our regular contact, be that the HR Manager or an internal Hiring Manager. We take it personally if we aren’t able to turn around a Search assignment in the agreed time frame and feel as though we are letting our clients down. What’s less obvious is that we are in turn letting your client down. Read More…

Benefits of Inhouse and Outsourced Recruiting

Is it time to reach out?

When is it time to contact the experts?

There are times when it’s better to use internal resources and other times when you need to go outside your company to seek help. For example, most company’s use internal and external accounts for legal support. Similarly, recruitment support can be chosen in the same way depending on the role that needs to be filled. Read More…

How Communication Can Increase The Quality Of Hire.

There’s been a lot of talk in the Media about Brand image marketing for your company. For most companies that can be an abstract concept or at best an idea on what logo to include in your advertisement. Corporate branding is more about communication – what do you want to portray to the outside world. In the case of this article - how you communicate with potential employees really portrays your brand. Are your Job Descriptions a list of duties and responsibilities? How does a candidate know what is expected of them when they see your postings? Keeping your business a mystery will not encourage candidates to apply to your company. You will attract higher quality candidates the more you communicate. Read More…

Dangers of Making a Bad Hire

It is natural to make mistakes when we are pressured or rushed. I’m sure you’ve experienced a time when you sent an email to the wrong person; or a time you didn’t see that autocorrect changed the word shirt to something inappropriate. Rushing never leads to good results. So why would you rush on hiring? We understand you may need an immediate hire: Someone just quit, or your business is expanding. One of the most dangerous mistakes you can make during these situations is making a bad hire. Read More…

Red Flags Your Employee Wants To Leave
Click below to read more about these red flags. Read More…

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